3 free paths to clarity

3 Paths to Clarity

I created an infographic for http://www.cultivatedvisions.com social media postings. It reminded me of how important it is to ensure you continuously seek to clarify who you are and who you will be. There are so many areas of input that can muddle up the inner voice that guides us while we fulfill our purpose. Sometimes the voice is so subtle it sounds like it’s coming from our Self.

So here’s an adapted version of the infographic to apply to any area of your life where you seek to find clarity.


3 paths to clarity for international and northeast ohio leaders



  1. thatwiselady · May 13, 2016

    I am definitely going to try this. I need some clarity in my foggy mind!


    • Zinga H · May 13, 2016

      Thanks for writing, let me know how it goes!


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